is a sort of Stendhal syndrome, that in which one feels disoriented
before something of great beauty, which befalls whosoever takes a
ride up the southwest coastline from Funtanamare to Nebida and Masua:
the scenery penetrates into the soul.. A primordial vision awakens
memories buried in our collective unconscious: the sea reflecting
shades of sapphire and emerald, cobalt and turquoise, those vertical
cliffs and, above all, the Pan di Zucchero, that rises up the
distance. It is 134 metres tall: a block of limestone which broke off
from Mother Earth millions of years ago.
and palaeontologists from the US, from Australia and Germany come to
study the rre rocks like Puddinga Ordoviciana, or the trilobites,
fossils from the Cambrian period (500 milion years ago).
a jewel of industrial achitecture alone make the trip worthwhile:
Porto Flavia.
the 1922 the engineer Cesare Vecelli, who worked for the Belgian
company Vielle Montaigne was called to solve the everonerous problem
of transportation. Before then the minerals were hand-loades onto the
sailboats then shipped to San Pietro island, where there was the only
nearby safe port.
Vecelli build a Port inside the Mountain. Porto Flavia has two
tunnels dug into the mountain in front of Pan di Zuccchero. The
minerals arrived in the upper one in train-carts and were then sent
down to the lower one through nine silos with a capacity of 10.000
tons. from there a conveyor belt loades them onto big merchan ships
which were able to berth along the coast for the time necessary for
the operation.
it is an unforgettable experience to see it from the sea; and even
more so to penetrate into the dark bowels of the mountain to then
suddenly come out into the sunlight in front of the immense blue and
the spectacular Pan di Zucchero."
„Miniere al sole“ di Susanna Lavazza
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